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Yuh promo code

CHF 50 + 250 SWQ starting credit

Receive CHF 50 trading credit + 250 SWQ with the Yuh promo code YUHMON. Open your account now for free with the Yuh code.

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Yuh bonus code

Yuh promo code 2025: YUHMON

With the Yuh Finance app you can pay, save and invest. And with our Yuh promo code YUHMON you get CHF 50 trading credit and 250 Swissqoins on top. 🥳

Yuh code instructions

  1. Download the Yuh app
  2. Requirements: 18 years, residence in Switzerland & passport or ID 
  3. Follow the instructions in the app
  4. Enter the Yuh promo code YUHMON
  5. Make sure you enter the Yuh bonus code under "Do you have a bonus code?"
  6. Deposit of at least CHF 500. done 😎


Download Yuh App

Download the Yuh app. Follow the instructions in the app to open your Yuh account digitally in just a few minutes.


Yuh Code: YUHMON

Enter the Yuh promo code YUHMON under the "Bonus code" step during registration.


Deposit of CHF 500

As soon as you have deposited at least CHF 500, you will be credited with CHF 50 Trading Credit and 250 Swissqoins.

More about Yuh

Yuh is an all-in-one financial app. Yuh scores very well in our bank account comparison thanks to its very attractive fees. 🥇 Account management is free and Yuh pays attractive interest on the account balance. The fees for investing and pillar 3a are also low. And thanks to our Yuh code YUHMON, Yuh will give you the fees on your first investments for free. 


Yuh was created through a collaboration between two of Switzerland's largest banks: PostFinance and Swissquote. 🏦

  • Payments: With Yuh, you get a free account, a free Mastercard debit card and access to TWINT, eBill and contactless payments.
  • Save: With Yuh, you earn interest on your account balance in CHF, USD, and EUR that you keep in the "Savings" section of your app. Additionally, you can easily set up savings projects to achieve your goals more easily.
  • Invest: Invest with Yuh from as little as CHF 25 in a wide range of investment products such as shares, ETFs, trend themes and digital assets.
  • Pillar 3a: With Yuh's Pillar 3a, you can choose between 5 strategies and make affordable and transparent provisions thanks to the flat fee.

What are Swissqoins?

Swissqoin, or SWQ for short, is a crypto token, i.e. Yuh's virtual currency, which you can also convert into cash at any time.

More information at:

Yuh code: YUHMON


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