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neon promo code

100.- Trading Credit

Receive CHF 100 trading credit with the neon promo code neonMoney. Open your account now with the neon code.

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Code: neonMoney

neon code

neon promo code 2025: neonMoney

With neon you get a free private account and interest on your savings. The neon Mastercard debit card is also suitable for payments abroad, as neon does not charge an exchange rate surcharge. And with our neon code neonMoney, you'll also receive CHF 100 trading credit for your first three trades. 🥳

neon code instructions

  1. Download the neon app
  2. Requirements: 15 years old, resident in Switzerland & passport or ID 
  3. Follow the instructions in the app
  4. Enter neon code neonMoney
  5. Make sure you enter the neon voucher code under the "Got a code?" step
  6. Done 😎 You will receive CHF 100 trading credit for your first 3 trades (these trades can be made within 2 months of opening an account)

Note: The trading fees will be deducted first for technical reasons, but will be automatically refunded later.


Download neon app

Download the neon app. Follow the instructions in the app to open your neon account digitally in just a few minutes.


neon Code: neonMoney

Enter the neon promo code neonMoney under the step "Got a code?" during registration.


CHF 100 trading credit

You will receive 100.- trading credits for your first 3 trades within 2 months.

More about neon

With neon free you get a free private account, the opportunity to invest and the neon Mastercard is suitable for making payments abroad.

Neon performs very well in our bank account comparison thanks to its very attractive fees. 🥇 Account management is free and neon pays interest on savings. The fees for investing are also attractive. And thanks to our neon code neonMoney you will also receive a trading credit of CHF 100 on your first 3 trades.

  • Private account: neon offers a private account with no basic fees. You can easily manage your payment transactions in the app.
  • Saving: you receive interest on your savings balance.
  • Deposit protection: up to CHF 100,000
  • Abroad: you pay abroad without an exchange rate surcharge (neon uses the Mastercard reference rate)
  • Mobile payment: Apple, Google, Samsung, Garmin Pay or SwatchPAY!

Really free of charge?

Yes, the account is and will remain free. But you will have to do without a physical counter, for example. The neon Mastercard costs a one-off fee of CHF 20 for postage and plastic.

More information at:

neon code: neonMoney


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